
Electrostimulation is an aesthetic equipment that integrates electrical impulses generating muscle contractions , achieving an effect similar to that obtained when certain areas of the body are exercised. This technique is usually used as a slimming and hypertrophying treatment, which is known as “passive exercise” that allows you to increase muscle tone and improve flaccidity of the muscles increasing their volume, strength and resistance” evidenced in (Sanitas, sf) .

The aesthetic equipment is made up of electrodes with positive and negative charges, generally we find equipment with 6, 8 and 16 electrodes, of which half are positives and should always go at the top, negatives will go at the bottom of the area to be treated; To properly accommodate the electrodes, a conductive gel , which helps to conduct electrical waves and protects both the electrode and the user's skin, once the electrodes are in position, the frequency is set between 2 and 120 HZ (the objective must be analyzed to establish the correct frequency , a high frequency with an adequate amplitude will allow the development of strength and anaerobic resistance, low frequencies will allow the muscles to relax or improve aerobic resistance.) According to said frequency, a response is obtained, achieving a contraction in the desired area, whether to tone, shape, increase muscle mass and/or strength explained in (Roso Rodrigues Clinic, sf) As stated above, the importance of knowing the anatomical part is highlighted in order to correctly work the desired area.
body electrostimulation
The working time is also established, which can be around approximately 30 minutes.

This equipment must be handled by a professional in the aesthetic area. and a prior analysis must also be carried out to establish the appropriate treatment according to the user's need and requirement.

Laura Isabel Mesa Arcila, Social Communicator
For Satori Beauty