Its consumption has increased significantly and It is not difficult to find it as a basic ingredient in numerous supplements or in granules to easily incorporate it into the diet , since the high content of good fats makes Lecithin a highly energetic food that is very healthy when it comes to taking care of organs and systems. vital parts of our body.

Benefits of Soy Leticin
- Improves blood circulation and contributes to cardiovascular health: Lecithin is rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, which makes it an ally of cardiovascular health. In addition, it keeps bad cholesterol at bay, preventing hypertension.
- Strengthens the immune system and stops cellular oxidation: A more resistant immune system and cellular tissue protected against premature aging are two benefits that are reinforced by the action of Soy Lecithin in the body.
- Take care of cognitive function: The phosphorus contained in Lecithin helps this food perform a neuroprotective function, helping to keep the nervous system in good condition and stopping possible cognitive deterioration.
- Helps burn fat: It promotes the correct dissolution and absorption of fats, being effective in preventing or combating fatty accumulations and the thickening of adipose tissue.
- Improves physical performance: The combination of carbohydrates and healthy fats makes Lecithin one of the common food supplements in the diet of athletes, since it provides extra energy, reducing tiredness and occasional fatigue, and can improve performance in the performance of a demanding physical activity.
- Laxative effect: Soy lecithin has a mild diuretic and laxative effect that can promote intestinal transit.

Contraindications of Soy Lethicin
Some of the side effects that may be experienced with this component are nausea, diarrhea, pain in the abdominal area or low blood pressure. As a precautionary measure, Lecithin should not be used in pregnant or breastfeeding women , unless approved by their obstetrician or gynecologist, because there are not enough studies to support its safety or harmlessness in these cases.
Finally, when you use it, You should be alert for symptoms that indicate an allergy to lecithin , such as respiratory problems, swelling in the throat and lips, or red spots on the skin. If this happens, you should stop using it immediately and see a doctor.
Soy lecithin: the versatile emulsifier
Benefits of soy lecithin
So you can take soy lecithin to burn fat and lose weight naturally
Soy lecithin, benefits
Carolina Cardona Valencia, Social Communicator
For Satori Beauty