What are acids used for?

What are acids used for? What are the types of acids? We tell you...

There are different types of acids, to learn to recognize them we need to know their origin, their grouping and effectiveness.
Acids are used according to your requirement, depending on your skin type and the atmospheric conditions that surround your daily life.
Let's get to know a little more about the groups that exist at this moment.
Alpha hydroxy acid group
In this group we find the entire line of acids, extracted from fruits and vegetables; These acids improve the texture of the skin, providing different aspects that would be ideal for epidermal repairs, enhancing youth, providing freshness and are increasingly used and recommended by specialists when treating the skin in a quick and safe way.

They are very important when carrying out an acid protocol, since they are the starting point to start treating the skin, as they are an excellent exfoliant.

This group includes: Its benefits are:
  • They promote skin renewal, favoring the formation of collagen, which provides more turgor and flexibility to the face.
  • They have an exfoliating effect.
  • Generates a gentle peeling on the skin.
  • Removes the corneal layer, thinning the epidermis, generating a soft, smooth and uniform appearance.
  • Improves fine expression lines.
  • Provides luminosity.
  • Thanks to their exfoliating effect, they facilitate the penetration of the active ingredients that are about to be applied.
  • Ideal for all skin types.
  • They improve acne processes.
Beta hydroxy acid group:
They are fat-soluble molecules, unlike alpha hydroxy acids, they act inside the pore, deeply exfoliating the basal cells, doing a keratolytic sweep, that is, they have a process in a deeper layer of the skin, they tend to generate peeling in the process. This acid is highly recommended to soften the keratin of the stratum corneum to accelerate its peeling.
These types of acids tend to be a little more abrasive, they are generally used for acne processes or excess keratin, they are for the exclusive use of professionals.
This group includes:
Its benefits and uses are:
  • It works on the surface of the skin and inside the pore; It is soluble in oil
  • For normal to oily skin prone to bumps, blockages, blemishes and enlarged pores.
  • Beta hydroxy acids are regularly used at a much lower concentration as cleansers or acne treatments, renewing and removing sebum in the skin.
  • The best known BHA is Salicylic Acid. Its natural origin is willow bark, and its main function is to eliminate the superficial layer of the epidermis, and to clean the pores in depth.
  • It has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, thus preventing the appearance of pimples. And like the rest of the acids, it is effective in eliminating small expression lines.
Polyhydroxy acid group:
This type of acid is for treating special skin, such as sensitive skin, skin that is usually a little difficult to treat. They are excellent for providing lighting in a softer and gradual way.
PHA'S are much less irritating because they have a higher molecular weight, which allows a much slower penetration ensuring that the delivery of the active ingredient is gradual and therefore less irritating.
This group includes:
  • Lacto bionic acid.
Its benefits are:
  • Poly hydroxy acids PHA'S present the next generation of alpha-hydroxy acid AHA'S for cosmetic use and for dermatological skin care.
  • They have a chemical structure similar to AHA's, they are less irritating, they cause less stinging and less burning on the skin. Ideal for skin with rosacea.
  • PHA'S enhance the skin barrier, which is a very important factor in patients with complex skin pathologies.
  • On the other hand, these molecules act as humectants and hydrators while acting as chelators and antioxidants due to their polyhydroxide structure.
  • They do not increase sensitivity to the sun.

At Satori beauty, we are at the forefront and the professional can find the group of AHA's

Glycolic acid: It is a natural organic acid, it is extracted from sugar cane, it does not produce photosensitization, which allows me to use it at any time of the year.
It is the smallest molecular acid, this means that it penetrates the skin more quickly, so the professional must be checking it all the time while the application is being made.

Mandelic acid : It is an acid extracted from bitter almonds, its molecular weight is larger, which means that it penetrates more slowly, although that does not mean that the professional should not take great care when carrying out the protocol. .
This acid is special for acneic skin, it has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which is why it is used to treat (cutibacterium acnes), called acne bacteria, it also produces gentle exfoliation, providing illumination, and generating cell turnover; which makes it an ally for dark skin.
Kojic acid: This acid is special for treating pigmentation, epidermal spots, acne spots, it is ideal for providing illumination, it is also a chelator so it works on acne pigmentations.
This acid can be treated at home only in a low percentage and if recommended by your trusted professional. According to the diagnosis of your skin.
Salicylic Acid or Oily Skin Tonic: This type of acid is ideal for treating acneic skin with large postulates, it deeply cleans the pores, it is also used to treat athlete's skin because it has antifungal properties and produces peeling, which generates epidermal cellular restoration in the skin.

Angela Cardenas
To: Satori Beauty