L-Carnitine: what it is for and how it acts in the body

Carnitine is a molecule that occurs naturally in our body , it is found mainly in the muscles, its active form being L-carnitine and from two essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine, It is responsible for transporting our fatty acids to the mitochondria in order to produce energy. Our body is capable of manufacturing carnitine, but this is a component that It is present in the intake of proteins of animal origin, such as meat or dairy products.

Also, you can complement your diet with L-Carnitine contained in food supplements, where it is possible to find it in various forms, as pure L Carnitine or as L Carnitine tartrate. We must take into account that The main objective of L carnitine is to accelerate the oxidation process of fatty acids to generate more energy and the lack of it in the body can increase adipose tissue and reduce energy production.
carnitine for energy

Benefits of L-Carnitine

The effects of L-carnitine They are very closely related to fat metabolism: Protein compounds transport long-chain fatty acids to the mitochondria. Once there, the fatty acids are transformed into energy through the process known as β-oxidation (beta oxidation).

The benefits of L carnitine are related to fat burning, but also to efficient recovery after exercise. In addition, the possible Increased muscle mass accompanied by greater energy production. It is, at first glance, an effective component for any athlete.
increase in muscle mass
Different scientific studies continue to investigate the possible positive effects of L-carnitine on sports performance. The question usually focuses on whether L-carnitine promotes the extraction of fat and, therefore, the increase in our physical resistance and the burning of body fat. L-carnitine is often used as a fat metabolism booster for weight loss. However, this effect of L-carnitine is not currently supported by scientific studies that support it.

Side effects of L-Carnitine

With the contraindications, a large number of problems derived from its consumption have not been detected, except those associated with the hypersensitivity that certain people may have to its components, such as: People with epilepsy, heart failure or peripheral neuropathies should not take this component. Neither do pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Additionally, these side reactions can be avoided by taking care of the quantities that the body needs. The side effects that should be taken into account are:
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Diarrhea and gastritis.
  • Dizziness
  • Fever.
  • Hyperhidrosis.
Finally, it is very important to keep in mind that L-Carnitine is not addictive, the only detail that you will notice when you stop consuming it is that the burning of body fat will be slower. It is very possible that you will regain fat after stopping using it. This detail does not imply a rebound effect at all, since we are not talking about you going to recover everything you have managed to lose. You will simply return to normal, that is, your body will recover its usual fat burning.

We recommend that whenever you are going to choose to use this type of products, it is with the help of a specialist.

L Carnitine to lose weight: the fat reducer that works
What is L-Carnitine and how does it work?
What is carnitine and what is it for?

Carolina Cardona Valencia, Social Communicator
For Satori Beauty