De qué se trata la anatomía capilar

What hair anatomy is about

In aesthetic or medical hair procedures, knowledge of hair anatomy is important , in this way we can obtain better benefits in different treatments, nutrition, softness, resistance, among others; The anatomy of the hair is composed as follows: dermal papilla, which contains arterial and venous pillars, arrector pili muscle, composed of a smooth muscle, which unites the base of the follicle and the epidermis, which is responsible for the erection of the hair. hair. On the other hand, the sebaceous gland is a glandular structure that pours its sebaceous secretion into the interior of the follicle to achieve lubrication in the hair.
According to, the Institut Vila Rovira, Clinic Specialized in Hair Health , “The hair-producing area is the bulb, a widened area at the base of the follicle in which the hair matrix is ​​housed with the processes of cellular keratinization and which rests in a dermal papilla. very vascularized.” Through this process, the hair begins to grow and for this growth to be generated in a positive way, different things must be taken into account. factors such as, for example: hydration and texture of the hair fiber, this with the aim of providing the necessary care for each type of strand.

capillary anatomy
Regardless of the type of hair: oily, dry, straight or frizzy, the ideal is to maintain, within the body image, a completely healthy hair fiber that can transmit what each person wants to project about themselves.

There are endogenous (own) factors, that can condition the hair fiber, for example: nutrition, as (Jerez, 2022) points out in the article on hair care, “The foods that we include daily in our diet play a fundamental role in the growth and strength of the follicle. hairy and have a direct influence on the appearance of alopecia” which has to do with protein (nutritive part), amino acids which make up 90% of said fiber.

Likewise, the aging process, over time, loses elasticity and water levels, which is why it is important to try to recover these components so that the strand remains healthy. Hormones also play a fundamental role for the hair fiber. Stress can generate some conditions such as hair loss or weakness and finally, toxicity levels, The scalp has a microbiota and a macrobiota . If these components are not regulated and in turn free radicals are added, toxicity tends to occur in the scalp.
hair fiber
Likewise, one must take into account exogenous (external) factors, such as: environmental agents. Have you noticed that, if you spend a day in the center of a big city, at the end of the day you have the feeling of having dirty hair? It is due to this pollution, since the fumes, gases and small particles in suspension are deposited in our hair, generating a certain sebum or grease, causing it to lose its usual shine and giving the sensation that it is heavier."

Expressed by (Morán, 2018) in the article on air pollution. The chemical factor refers to all the products that are applied to the hair, for example, dyes and straightening, which tend to weaken the hair fiber. Likewise, the dye creates a process of discoloration of the strand, the natural color of the hair. Our hair is given by melanin, for this reason, When chemicals are added, the hair fiber can be abruptly weakened.

Finally, heat is an external factor that affects the hair; its excessive use deteriorates it, creating dehydration and generating dilation in the cuticle (the way in which the fiber seals). In addition, there are other factors such as: medications, medical conditions, which, in turn, can affect the condition of each hair fiber.

hair anatomy
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Does air pollution affect my hair?

Laura Isabel Mesa Arcila, Social Communicator
For Satori Beauty
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