March 20, 2024
Aesthetic tips for pregnancy and postpartum

Pregnancy and postpartum are very beautiful times for women who live this stage in their lives, but at the same time, they are difficult times, since there are multiple factors that influence the well-being of the body, once the hormones begin to cause major problems. changes. The very process of searching for pregnancy, gestation and postpartum, not only leads to physical changes, but also, there are levels of stress that ultimately translate into depression and lack of personal care, which often leads us to show signs of aging in just a few months.
The first thing we must take into account is that each process and each woman are different and each of the pregnancies is a world, that is why it is essential to have health and beauty professionals to guide and recommend the appropriate treatments for the needs of each body.

At Satori Beauty, we recommend that during pregnancy the following aspects be taken into account to keep the skin hydrated and elastic, to prevent multiple changes.
The first thing we must take into account is that each process and each woman are different and each of the pregnancies is a world, that is why it is essential to have health and beauty professionals to guide and recommend the appropriate treatments for the needs of each body.

At Satori Beauty, we recommend that during pregnancy the following aspects be taken into account to keep the skin hydrated and elastic, to prevent multiple changes.
- Stretch marks: They should be prevented with a lot of hydration, for this an ultra-moisturizing cream is recommended, which should be applied every time the skin itches with the fingertips.
- Fluid retention: as a consequence, leg pain and a feeling of heaviness appear. To avoid this, lymphatic drainage is highly advisable.
- Hair: It should be treated with products that take care of it and prevent it from falling out, since it is very likely that dryness, poor hydration and luminosity will occur.
- Spots: they appear very easily during pregnancy in the form of melasma, of a darker tone. The most important thing is to protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen, although this exposure should be avoided during the nine months. Hormonal stains are the most complicated to eliminate, so good prevention is essential.
- Linea alba: appears around the fourth month of pregnancy in the form of a vertical spot. We cannot prevent its appearance, but it is advisable to use protective cream in that area to reduce its pigment.
- Varicose veins and edema : blood and lymphatic circulation must be taken care of to try to avoid them. If you have varicose veins after giving birth, it is best to wait at least six months before starting treatment.
On the other hand, to have a good postpartum recovery you must be more aware and strict with care. It is important that we keep in mind that miracle, quick and effortless diets only serve to harm health, the ideal is that you leave aside sugar, fats, flours, carbonated drinks, sauces, dairy products, salt, alcohol , sausages and prefabricated meals.

The first thing the body will do is eliminate excess fluid, so the first kilos are the easiest to eliminate. Subsequently, the remaining fat must be intervened and this requires more time; Day by day you lose weight and in a few weeks or months the progressive weight loss will be reflected. However, many women choose to undergo beauty treatments, but for this It is advisable to wait 8 weeks after the natural birth and three months if the birth was done by cesarean section to perform any aesthetic treatment.
It should be taken into account that the last option should be surgery, since it is not advisable to perform it immediately; you should wait a reasonable time of one year to resort to this option. However, there are treatments such as: Pressotherapy, cavitation, mesotherapy, radiofrequency, lymphatic drainage, among others to improve the weight and appearance of the skin without invasive interventions with natural products suitable for different skin types. If you need advice, you can contact our specialists. +57 350 666 00 06 to learn about aesthetic procedures and ideal products for each case.
Beauty tips for pregnancy and postpartum
Aesthetic treatments after childbirth
Postpartum beauty: tips to be beautiful after giving birth
What aesthetic treatments can you do postpartum?
Carolina Cardona Valencia, Social Communicator.
For Satori Beauty

The first thing the body will do is eliminate excess fluid, so the first kilos are the easiest to eliminate. Subsequently, the remaining fat must be intervened and this requires more time; Day by day you lose weight and in a few weeks or months the progressive weight loss will be reflected. However, many women choose to undergo beauty treatments, but for this It is advisable to wait 8 weeks after the natural birth and three months if the birth was done by cesarean section to perform any aesthetic treatment.
It should be taken into account that the last option should be surgery, since it is not advisable to perform it immediately; you should wait a reasonable time of one year to resort to this option. However, there are treatments such as: Pressotherapy, cavitation, mesotherapy, radiofrequency, lymphatic drainage, among others to improve the weight and appearance of the skin without invasive interventions with natural products suitable for different skin types. If you need advice, you can contact our specialists. +57 350 666 00 06 to learn about aesthetic procedures and ideal products for each case.
Beauty tips for pregnancy and postpartum
Aesthetic treatments after childbirth
Postpartum beauty: tips to be beautiful after giving birth
What aesthetic treatments can you do postpartum?
Carolina Cardona Valencia, Social Communicator.
For Satori Beauty