aesthetic apparatus

Aesthetic appliances encompass all techniques related to beauty treatments. They use different devices, which can be used to obtain better results. There are various fields within appliances that can be related to both body and facial procedures, which means that we have a wide range of possibilities at the service of beauty.

Thanks to the constant evolution in the development of appliances, we find light, ultrasound and electric current technologies that reinforce manual treatments. that achieve the harmony and satisfaction desired by users. In addition, we will make a list of those benefits that the appliance allows us to achieve:
  • It manages to reduce the effects of adiposity, stretch marks, scars, photo-aging, among others.
  • They guarantee a high percentage of reversal of difficult-to-address processes such as body and facial sagging.
  • It opens up the possibility of performing a wide variety of treatments.
  • They are safe, fast and effective treatments.
  • They optimize the work and effect of treatments.
  • Avoid surgical intervention.
  • Works on localized fat problems.
  • Stimulates the creation of collagen.
The new technology focused on aesthetic appliances works under the same premise: achieving the desired physical harmony, reverse the damage caused by the passage of time and slow down the aging process, always trying to preserve health without generating adverse reactions in the body.

Likewise, we can find the following procedures within aesthetic appliances:

Cavitation Apparatus: It manages to break the structure of localized fatty deposits that usually resist diets and exercise.

IPL apparatus: It is based on laser technology that is used for treatments to remove spots, varicose veins and stretch marks.

Radiofrequency Devices : uses electromagnetic radiation. This technology is an effective and safe alternative applied to cellulite or facial and body sagging.

Pressotherapy Apparatus: It creates an external pressure that favors the passage of interstitial fluid into the venous and lymphatic circulation, favoring the reabsorption of fats.

Mesotherapy Apparatus: It is used to combat cellulite and fat deposits that accumulate in specific areas.

Vacumtherapy Apparatus: It acts by suction through suction cups and whose effect is to facilitate the drainage of liquid retained in the cells.

Cryolipolysis Apparatus: It is a non-painless and invasive treatment that eliminates body fat through the application of cold with temperatures below zero degrees.

Infrared Apparatus: increases temperature and blood flow in the treated areas. Its application is thermotherapy, essentially indicated to treat cellulite and localized obesity.

It is essential that we take into account what is the type of apparatus in which we want to specialize and include in aesthetic treatments, so you will know the appropriate regulations that were considered in Resolution 2263 of 2004.


Benefits of Apparatus in Aesthetics
What is aesthetic appliances?
Cosmiatry: Aesthetic appliances and their benefits
Appliances in aesthetics: is it really beneficial?

Carolina Cardona Valencia, Social Communicator.
For Satori Beauty